1.3 Procedure followed in decision making process

Item Details of disclosure Reference (if Any)
Process of decision making Identify key decision making points   View 
Final decision making authority As per Delegation of Powers (DoP). View 
  Related provisions, acts, rules etc.

For administrative functions rules of Central Government as amended from time to time. –Central Civil Services (CCS) Rules

–General Financial Rules (GFR)/

MoA / Rules and Regulation/  Bye-Laws of NIOS/ Service Rules

View MoA

View Rule & Regulation

View Bye-Laws

View Service Rules

Time limit for taking a decisions, if any  Depending on the nature of work  View
Channel of supervision and accountability

Respective Section/ Section Heads.

All the centres of NIOS are headed by the Regional Directors.

Director/ Director Incharge under the overall supervision of Chairman, 

Awards & Achievement