
After this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify and learn the use and care of various tools, equipment and ingredients used for fruits and vegetable preservations
  • Use food preservation as a mean to check wastage, provide variety and nutrition and to generate additional income
  • Know use and importance of sugar, salt, spices, oil, vinegar and chemicals to preserve fruits and vegetables to increase the shelf life of foods
  • Make jams, fillies and marmalades
  • Make squashes, cordials, syrup, sauces and ketchups
  • Make pickles, candies and toffees using seasonal surplus fruits and vegetables
  • Use dehydration as a means to preserve foods
  • Appreciate the needs for Govt. certification and become familiar with symbols of standard markings of Ag-mark, FPO, BIS, ECO marks
  • Become familiar with packing – bottling, canning, corking, labeling, storing preserved foods
  • 10. Learn the use of by products and their utilization and become on entrepreneur in Preservation Of Fruits And Vegetables
Medium of Instruction


Entry Level

10th pass

Course Duration

1 year

Essential Course Duration

300 Hours

Course Fee

Rs. 5000/-

Course Components
S.No Course Code Title of Component Duration (in Hrs.)
Theory Practical
1 363 Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 80 160
  Total Duration 240 Hours
Scheme of Examination
S.No Course Code Name of the subject / Modules Time (in hrs.) Marks Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical Internal Assessment
1 363 Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 2 3 40 60 - 100
Passing Criteria
S.No Course Code Name of the subject Certification criteria (percentage)
Theory Practical Internal Assessment Aggregate in each paper module
1 363 Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 33 33 - 33
Awards & Achievement